years of reliability
Specialists In Fastening Systems
Valente S.p.A. clips and fastening systems components for crane rails and also for train and light rails, are the result of the know-how and experience built up over more than 100 years of operating in various industrial sectors. This has allowed us to develop relevant synergies and important cross fertilization fall out effects.
The final result of this unique situation has enabled the development of unique products, all of which have been subject to rigorous testing by the leading Engineering University in Milano, assuring superior performance in every condition, well above similar products available on the market.
Since January 24
VALENTE: A Step Forward Towards Sustainability
With great enthusiasm, we announce that VALENTE S.p.A. has reached a significant milestone in our sustainability journey.
Thanks to our collaboration with a leading company, we have completed our Sustainability Report, which reflects not only our ongoing commitment but also extraordinarily positive results. These successes reaffirm our long-standing and deep respect for the environment, a cornerstone of our corporate identity.
We have also embarked on the path to ISO14000-1 certification, which we expect to complete by September 2024.
Incorporated in

Since 1919 VALENTE has been operating in the fields of railway equipment, handling on rail, tunnelling and mining equipment and special steel structures.
Latest News
News – Fair and Exhibitions
Port of Aratu Brazil
Aratù Brazil port
Ports, mines and tunnels for Valente’s ride
From Brazil maxi-order for Imetame port. Export toward 40 percent of revenues
Il Sole 24 Ore
Ravenna Harbour
Porto di Ravenna